Cooking and Pretend Play with Cousins
Title: Cooking and Pretend Play with Cousin : Cooking Title: Cooking and Pretend Play with Cousins Once upon a time, Sameera and Saahithi loved to visit their grandma's house to play with their cousins Siddharth and Naina. They loved spending time together, playing with toys and games, and exploring grandma's garden. One day, they decided to play in the toy kitchen and create a special meal together. Sameera and Naina carefully selected colorful beads and pasta while Saahithi and Siddharth added them to the pot of water. As they stirred the pot together, they pretended to cook up a storm, chatting and giggling the whole time. Grandma came to see what they were up to, and she was happy to see the children playing together. With grandma's help, they added a sprinkle of salt and a spoonful of butter to the pot to make the water taste extra yummy. Together, they carefully scooped the beads and pasta out of the pot and onto a plate. They arranged the beads and pasta in a beau...